El Convenio de Minamata
El Mercurio en Colombia
- Minería en Colombia: Institucionalidad y territorio, paradojas y conflictos. Contraloría General de la República.
- Efectos de la minería en Colombia sobre la salud humana.
- Mercurio en el aire de San Martín de Loba
- El Lado Gris de la Minería del Oro. La Contaminación por mercurio en el Norte de Colombia. Jesús Olivero Verbel y Boris Johnson Restrepo.
Artículos sobre mercurio en humanos y matrices ambientales de Colombia Universidad de Cartagena, Grupo de Química Ambiental y Computacional. (Solicitar texto completo a Esta dirección de correo electrónico está protegida contra spambots. Necesita activar JavaScript para visualizarla.)
El Mercurio en Ecosistemas Colombianos
- Caballero-Gallardo, K., Guerrero-Castilla, A., Johnson-Restrepo, B., De La Rosa, J., Olivero-Verbel, J. 2015. Chemical and toxicological characterization of sediments along a Colombian shoreline impacted by coal export terminals. Chemosphere. 138:837-846.
- Turizo-Tapias, A., Caballero-Gallardo, K., Olivero-Verbel, J. 2015. Mercury in the gold mining district of San Martin de Loba, South of Bolivar (Colombia). Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 22(8):5895-5907.
- Marrugo-Negrete, J., Durango-Hernández, J., Pinedo-Hernández, J., Olivero-Verbel J., Díez S. 2015. Phytoremediation of mercury-contaminated soils by Jatropha curcas. Chemosphere. 127:58-63.
- Olivero-Verbel, J., Young-Castro, F., Caballero-Gallardo, K.. 2014. Contaminación por mercurio en aire del distrito minero de San Martín de Loba en el departamento de Bolívar, Colombia. Revista Internacional de Contaminación Ambiental. 30 (1):7-13.
- Guerrero-Castilla, A., Olivero-Verbel, J., Marrugo-Negrete, J. 2014. Heavy metals in wild house mice from coal-mining areas of Colombia and expression of genes related to oxidative stress, DNA damage and exposure to metals. Mutation Research- Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis: 762:24-29.
- Olivero-Verbel, J., Agudelo-Frias, D., Caballero-Gallardo, K. 2013. Morphometric parameters and total mercury in eggs of snowy egret (Egretta thula) from Cartagena Bay and Totumo mash, North of Colombia. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 105-109.
- Olivero-Verbel, J., Caballero-Gallardo, K. 2013. Nematode and mercury content in freshwater fish belonging to different trophic levels. Parasitology Research. 112(6):2187-95.
- Olivero-Verbel, J., Caballero-Gallardo, K., Marrugo-Negrete, J. 2011. Relationship Between Localization of Gold Mining Areas and Hair Mercury Levels in People from Bolivar, North of Colombia. Biological Trace Element Research. 144(1-3):118-132.
- Olivero-Verbel, J. 2011. Colombia: Environmental Health Issues/00395. Encyclopedia of Environmental Health (NVRN). 2011.
- Marrugo-Negrete, J, Benítez, L.N, Olivero-Verbel, J., Lans, E., Vazquez-Gutierrez, F. 2010. Spatial and seasonal mercury distribution in the Ayapel Marsh, Mojana region, Colombia. International Journal Environmental Health Research. 20(6):451-9.
- Olivero-Verbel, J., Caballero-Gallardo, K., Torres-Fuentes, N. 2009. Assessment of mercury in muscle of fish from Cartagena Bay, a tropical estuary at the north of Colombia. International Journal Environmental Health Research. 19(5):343-355.
- Marrugo-Negrette, J., Benitez, L., Olivero-Verbel, J. 2008. Distribution of mercury in several environmental compartments in an aquatic ecosystem impacted by gold mining in northern Colombia. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 55(2):305-316.
- Olivero-Verbel, J., Johnson, B., Baldiris, R., Güette, J., Magallanes, E., Vanegas, L., Kunihiko, N. 2008. Human and crab exposure to mercury in the Caribbean coastal shoreline of Colombia: impact from an abandoned chlor-alkali plant. Environment International. 34(4):476-482.
- Marrugo-Negrette, J., Olivero-Verbel, J., Ceballos, E., Benitez, L. 2008. Total mercury and methylmercury concentrations in fish from the Mojana region of Colombia. Environmental Geochemical Health. 30(1):21-30.
- Olivero-Verbel, J., Ropero-Vega, J., Ortiz, W., Torres-Fuentes, N., Vera-Ospina, P., Montoya, N. 2006. Air mercury levels in a pharmaceutical and chemical sciences school building. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 76(6):1038-1043.
- Olivero-Verbel, J., Johnson-Restrepo, B., Mendoza, C., Paz, R., Olivero, R. 2004. Mercury in the aquatic environment of the village of Caimito at the Mojana region, North of Colombia. Water, Air and Soil Pollution. 159:409-420.
- Olivero-Verbel, J., Arguello, E., Johnson, B. 2002. Human exposure to mercury in San Jorge river basin, Colombia (South America). The Science of the Total Environment. 289:41-47.
- Alonso, D., Pineda, P., Olivero-Verbel, J., Campos, N., Gonzalez, H. 2000. Mercury levels in muscle of two fish species and sediments from the Cartagena Bay and the Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta, Colombia. Environmental Pollution. 109(1):157-163.
- Olivero-Verbel, J., Solano, B. 1998. Mercury in environmental samples from a waterbody contaminated by gold mining in Colombia, South America. The Science of the Total Environment. 217:83-89.
- Olivero-Verbel, J., Solano, B., Acosta-Coley, I. 1998. Total Mercury in muscle of fish from two marshes in Goldfields, Colombia. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 61:182-187.
- Olivero-Verbel, J., Navas, V., Perez, A., Solano, B., Acosta, I., Arguello, E., Salas, R. 1997. Mercury levels in muscle of some fish species from the Dique Channel. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 58:865-870.
- Olivero-Verbel, J., Mendoza, C., Mestre J. 1995. Hair mercury levels in different occupational groups in Southern Bolivar (Colombia). Revista de Saude Publica. 29:376-380.
- La Vorágine del oro: Documental que describe el proceso de explotación del oro en las minas del sur de Bolívar. Universidad de Cartagena